18 Best Investing Blogs of 2024
One of my goals in 2024 was to update this blog once a week. As you can see, that hasn’t happened. Life got in the way in all the best ways.
The business is growing. I have welcomed three new wealth management clients this year, and three more are signing on now. For clients of this size and complexity, a run rate of one per month is more than enough to keep me busy. And that’s just me. Ritholtz Wealth now has about two dozen client-facing advisors and an army of paraplanners, client services associates, and traders backing us up. We are firing on all cylinders. It’s both exhilarating and exhausting. We live for this work.
Family life is also busy. My son finished 1st grade this week. He earned his orange belt in karate, came in first place in a Chess tournament, and is playing left field for a little league baseball team with playoff potential. My daughter is in the last few weeks of preschool and will join her brother at the big school next year. She is learning to swim this summer and is begging to host a tea party for her friends soon.
I serve as Treasurer for two nonprofit boards. I wrote about the amazing gift Cafe Reconcile received from MacKenzie Scott this spring. I’m completing my first year on the St. Charles Center for Faith + Action board, and I feel like I’m just getting my hands on their amazing social justice work. I am also involved in a restorative justice committee at my church. I clearly have trouble saying no, especially when the volunteer work is so meaningful.
Given my lack of writing, I am beyond honored that The College Investor recognized The Belle Curve on its list of the “18 Best Investing Blogs of 2024“.* It never ceases to amaze me when I am named alongside so many writers that I admire, like Morgan Housel, Michael Kitces, Barry Ritholtz, and Ben Carlson. I am a huge fan of the Money with Katie blog and podcast, so I love seeing her on this list. Thank you so much to Robert Farrington and The College Investor for sharing this blog with your incredible readers over the years.
The Belle Curve ranking in the “18 Best Investing Blogs of 2024” by The College Investor on May 20, 2024, is listed in alphabetical order for the calendar year 2023, based on their opinion of the various blogs and websites based on the content and analysis published, as well as the social media sentiment, as of May 20, 2024. The ranking was independent. Neither I nor Ritholtz Wealth Management did not pay for or contributed information for this ranking.

Summer may bring a slower pace to the other areas of my life. Will this provide more time to write? I hope so. I have a few blog posts kicking around in my head now that I hope to share soon. Happy reading and happy summer to all!
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