
Gender Biography Gap

I finished two books over the holidays. Both were about men. Wealthy (or temporarily wealthy), powerful men in the business world. One was Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk. The other was Michael Lewis’s study of FTX founder and convicted fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried titled Going Infinite. Both were moderately interesting. Lewis has a turn of…

Remembering the Financial Crisis

There are very few moments in life that you remember exactly where you were when it happened. For my parents, this was the assassination of JFK and the moon landing. For me, it is September 11 and the Great Financial Crisis. As the headlines start to roll in on the 10th anniversary of the collapse…

The First Month

Today, The Belle Curve is officially one month old. Nine posts and 18,000 views later, I attest that blogging has surpassed my wildest aspirations. Readers have offered praise, critiques, and pointed out my grammatical mistakes. Thank you, by the way. I am sure I will continue to make mistakes and hopefully learn from them along…

Banana Boat

I did something really stupid this summer. I brought a banana on the fishing boat. You’re probably doing one of two things right now; 1. Rolling your eyes at my stupidity or 2. Asking what’s the deal with bananas on the boat? It turns out, bringing a banana on the boat is one of the…

Sales or Advice?

With the DOL fiduciary rule now defunct and the SEC considering a ‘best interests’ standard for brokers, the blurring of the lines between sales and advice in financial services has worsened. There was a time that investors knew the function of a broker-dealer was solely to facilitate transactions of financial products.  The broker was a…

My Journey So Far …

I didn’t know when I woke up on New Year’s morning 2018, that this would be a year of dramatic change. In hindsight, the move to Ritholtz Wealth Management has been obvious for years. Just check how many of my twitter followers correctly guessed it would be my next move. As my mentor, Michael Goodman,…