Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. What could be better than a holiday that combines family, food, and wine? I love trying over the top recipes from scratch, helping set the table, and even cleaning up after the meal. When I’m in New Orleans for Thanksgiving, as I am this year, we go to the opening day at the horse track. It makes for a fun morning drinking Bloody Marys or Brandy Milk Punch while placing uninformed bets on the races.
For several years, I have taken a four day break from social media and email over Thanksgiving. It is a rejuvenating time that I anticipate every year. This year, I am more excited than ever. I will be completely disconnected from the internet starting Wednesday evening until Monday morning.
I have so much to be thankful for this year. I’m calling 2018 the “year of change”, and so far it has lived up to that name.
I took a leap of faith mid-year with my move to Ritholtz Wealth Management. It is not too early to declare this change a wild success. When I was considering the move, Barry said the most amazing thing to me. He said, “I just want you to be Blair”. What incredible words to hear from a potential employer, just be you! Today, I spend all of my time working on the things to which I bring the most value. I talk to clients, create and review financial plans, blog, talk to the media, and sit on the investment committee. If you haven’t read the whole story, I explain more about it here.
The move also led to the creation of this blog, The Belle Curve. It has been three and a half months and 32 posts, and I am forever grateful to have this medium of communication. The power of having my own voice is a game changer. Thank you to my small but growing community of readers. The blog has already led to a byline reprint in InvestmentNews, a lifelong dream of being on NPR, numerous media requests, new speaking engagements, and some very exciting opportunities in development.
In March, I had the opportunity to moderate the CFA Wealth Management Conference. I’m happy to report that Charlie Henneman, the formidable head of conference events at CFA Institute, asked me to return as co-moderater for CFA Wealth Management 2019 in Fort Lauderdale. Last year’s conference was a game changer for me. I met new friends from all over the industry and beyond. I can’t believe that at this time last year, I did not know Preston McSwain, Anne Johnston, Charlotte Beyer, Dan Egan, or international memory champion Chester Santos.
I checked off a bucket list item when I visited Hong Kong in May for the CFA Society Leaders Conference. As luck would have it, The Motley Fool, was opening a Hong Kong office the same week, and Brian Richards invited me to the launch party where I met Fool founder Tom Gardner. It was magical to spend the week with fellow CFA Society leader friends from all over the world. There is nothing that beats being a part of a truly global, professional organization.
There are so many things to be thankful for in 2018. Two of the four bridesmaid from my wedding had children this year. Olivia welcomed her second child, a boy, and Novi had her first, also a boy. My cousin Lee got married in September, and my son was the adorable ring bearer. It was great to spend time with that part of my family I have not seen nearly enough in recent years. My youngest cousin, Emily, was accepted to her first choice for college next year. Henry’s cousin welcomed her first child, a girl, in September.
I hope you enjoy a fabulous Thanksgiving with friends and family. Since I won’t be on twitter to say it Go Saints, Go Dawgs, Go Rebels, and War Eagle!
The post Giving Thanks appeared first on The Belle Curve.