Hurricane Ida Finale
After a few conversations with readers this week, I realized that I never wrote a finale to our Hurricane Ida experience. My apologies, this is my brain on a hurricane. The personal news is that we were fine. Our house suffered no damage or water intrusion. We were able to confirm this late in the day after the storm. A friend was able to empty our fridge before it got bad, and he saved a lot of our freezer items with a generator.
Power transmission to the entire city of New Orleans failed during the storm. Four days later, the power utility restored transmission and a tiny number of customers had power. In a text late Wednesday night, our neighbors confirmed we were one of the lucky few. Although we were not home to enjoy it, I am glad that our house served as a cooling center for a few friends who needed it.
Later that week, both schools that my children attend announced plans to open on Monday, September 13th. We had no need to return much earlier, especially since we heard that gas and essential groceries were scarce. Oh, and there was (still is) a problem with trash collection. Everyone dumped the entire contents of their fridge, and it sat in cans, rotting in the 90+ degree heat.
New Orleans dodged the worst of the storm. Other than sporadic roof damage and lots of downs trees and limbs, we avoided a major disruption. Our neighbors to the west and south are still suffering, however. In that vein, I am including a few resources for those inclined to contribute to their recovery. There are local organizations and funds that know what is needed and will provide immediate relief to those in need.
Junior League of New Orleans Disaster Relief
Second Harvest Food Bank Disaster Response
Funds for the People of the Bayou
Amazon supply drive from the 8th graders at Ecole Bilingue
The post Hurricane Ida Finale appeared first on The Belle Curve.