The Psychology of Money
I wrote a few weeks ago that Morgan Housel has written the finance book of the year. The Psychology of Money was released this week, and it is a must read. The book going straight the to top of my list that I recommend to any investor.
Morgan is on a whirlwind of a book tour including as a guest on Barry’s podcast and interviewed by Josh on our Youtube channel. I was lucky to moderate a webinar with Morgan for the CFA Institute earlier this week as part of their Wealth Management in Practice series. I got to ask him my burning questions about the book and many more excellent questions from a global audience of almost 1,000 CFA charterholders and members.
Here is the replay:

Virtual conferences are a decent solution for getting together during this pandemic. But both Morgan and I agreed we prefer the stage with a real live audience. Sitting alone in my home office, staring at a tiny lens in my tablet just isn’t the same. I look forward to the return of in-person conferences and events. Many have called for their demise, but I disagree. Nothing can replace to value of social interaction and connection. I am really missing it these days.

Behind the scenes of a virtual conference with an audience of 1,000 invisible participants.
The post The Psychology of Money appeared first on The Belle Curve.