This Week in Women
Cathie Wood: A Tech Investor Doing God’s Work
Wood is the public face of a speculative tech boom many liken to the boom and bust of the early 2000s. The success of Tesla and other technology stocks that Ark owns has, together with massive investor inflows, propelled the combined value of the five exchange traded funds she manages to $60bn from $3bn just a year ago.

Op-ed: To build a career as a woman in finance, ‘You must want it more than you fear it’
I think one of the biggest reasons there weren’t many women stockbrokers in the 90s is that most women would see that job description and have the common sense to say, “why would I want to do that?”
Gender inequality and bargaining in the U.S. labor market
From this perspective, outright discrimination represents only the tip of a larger iceberg that has frozen women into economic disadvantage, assigning them responsibility for tasks whose value is indispensable yet difficult to measure or monetize (Folbre 2017, 2021). Attention to the history of patriarchal and capitalist institutions—as well as efforts to mitigate or modify them—is crucial to an understanding of a persistent gender pay gap.
A year ago I said w/ hindsight we'd know who got left behind despite COVID relief efforts. Data shows us that *working women* were the victims: 2.3 million dropped out of the workforce. Participation rates are at 57%, the lowest since 1988.
— Gary Cohn (@Gary_D_Cohn) March 11, 2021
Covid relief bill will help get parents back to work – by supporting child care
It includes $15 billion allocation for child-development block grants, a $1 billion allocation for the Head Start early education program, and a $24 billion stabilization fund for child care providers. The stabilization fund money, which would be distributed at the state level, would provide funds for child care providers to deploy for a diverse array of uses.
The post This Week in Women appeared first on The Belle Curve.