This Week in Women
Why are Women-Led Nations Doing Better with Covid-19?
Amanda Taub, New York Times
We should resist drawing conclusions about women leaders from a few exceptional individuals acting in exceptional circumstances. But experts say that the women’s success may still offer valuable lessons about what can help countries weather not just this crisis, but others in the future.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand has been praised for her leadership style during the pandemic. Credit…Pool photo by Mark Mitchell
The Better Letter: Shake Things Up.
Bob Seawright
Among Fortune 100 companies, 96 percent actively promote their efforts at diversity and inclusion. However, “[o]nly 25 percent of total C-suite positions are held by women. Only 7 companies have a female CEO,” while “[r]acially diverse executives hold only 16 percent of total C-suite positions.”
Women Candidates Reach New Highs Across House Battlefield in 2020
Kendall Karson, ABC
An unprecedented 490 women filed to run for U.S. House seats, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, a new high after 2018’s historic record of 476 women.
Melinda Gates: How Revolutionizing Our Caretaking System is “The Key to Reopening Our Economy”
Marianne Schnall, Forbes
Since the pandemic began and schools closed, 43% of employed mothers have said they are primarily responsible for providing childcare, while only 7% of employed fathers say the same.
Nearly Half of Men Say They do Most of the Homeschooling. 3 Percent of Women Agree
Claire Cain Miller, New York Times
The additional time that women typically spend on domestic work, particularly child care, has significant consequences outside the home: It is a major reason for their lower pay and stunted career paths. Now that they’re spending even more time on these chores because of the pandemic, the repercussions could worsen.
The post This Week in Women appeared first on The Belle Curve.