This Week in Women
Sixty Years Ago, NASA Scientists Found That Women Would Be Better Astronauts. Their Work Was Never Published.
But their idea was soon quashed when President D. Eisenhower deemed that astronaut candidates should be recruited only from the ranks of military fighter jet test pilots – at the time, women were barred from the role.
McKinsey Report: Women are doing the lion’s share of the emotional labor at work
Outcomes better with female doctors, JAMA study says
This is a study from 2016, but I learned of it from a female physician this week. She said it was shrugged off by the medical community despite being published in a prestigious, peer-reviewed journal.
Their conclusion: Patients who saw a female doctor were less likely to die within 30 days of leaving the hospital. They were also less likely to get readmitted within a one-month span of their initial discharge.
Biden has nominated 8 Black women to appellate courts, laying groundwork to fulfill campaign promise
As of Wednesday, with the selection of Arianna J. Freeman for the 3rd Circuit, the president has nominated eight Black women to the 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals. Five have been confirmed, most recently on Thursday, when Judge Holly A. Thomas cleared Senate approval to join the 9th Circuit.
The One Regret From My Time Leading Planned Parenthood
The Roe decision not only made abortion in the United States extremely safe, it led to higher earnings, increased education levels and greater participation in the work force for generations of women, particularly Black women.
The post This Week in Women appeared first on The Belle Curve.