This Week in Women

The Leader We Wish We All Had

Sanya Dosani and Adam Westbrook, New York Times

The coronavirus has turned several public health officials and local leaders into bona fide celebrities, and perhaps no one is more compelling than the Ohio Health Department’s Dr. Amy Acton. She wasn’t just the brains behind the state’s early, aggressive coronavirus response; she was also its most effective messenger.

Why the Crisis is Putting Companies at Risk of Losing Female Talent

Colleen Ammerman and Boris Groysberg, Harvard Business Review

By addressing four key biases and barriers, you can prevent the careers of your women employees from becoming collateral damage during this crisis, and set your company up to leverage their capabilities today and in the future.

Kim Kardashian West wrote a guide to isolating with kids. We tried it. 

Elisa Lipsky-Karasz, WSJ Magazine


Kids can’t be an ‘afterthought’: Some states are opening without lifting child-care restrictions

Megan Leonhardt, CNBC

″[Child care] feels like an afterthought,” Herrmann-Nowosielski says, adding that when politicians get these questions during press conferences and interviews, they seem to shrug them off, saying they’ll figure that out and that it’s not a big deal. “I disagree. I think it is a huge deal,” she says.

The ‘women’s work’ of the pandemic

Anna North, Vox

While larger companies have begun mass-producing cloth masks in recent weeks, much of the work of making the protective garments, especially in the early stages of the pandemic, was done at home — often by women.


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