Women’s Equality Day is a reminder that the fight for women’s rights didn’t end with the 19th Amendment
But the Women’s Strike for Equality was also an early crystalizing moment for conservative women and their allies. By the mid-1970s, feminists would be routinely squaring off against opponents over issues such as federally subsidized childcare, the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and the merits of legalized abortion at the federal level following the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973.

Women marching at the Women’s Strike for Equality, New York, 26th August 1970 (Photo by John Olson/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)
Dads three times as likely as Moms to receive a promotion while working from home
Over one-third of men with children at home (34 percent) say they’ve received a promotion while working remotely, while only 9 percent of women with children at home say the same. On a similar note, 26 percent of men with children at home say they’ve received a pay raise while working remotely, while only 13 percent of similarly situated women say the same.
Masters in Business (podcast) with Mandell Crawley of Morgan Stanley
Even though he is not a woman, I loved what Mandell Crawley, head of Private Wealth Management for Morgan Stanley, had to say about the lack of women advisors in this interview with Barry. They also cover the lack of racial diversity in our industry and how this time, maybe, we are ready to tackle structural race issues in our country. If you think the brokerage firms are withering on the vine, think again. With leaders like Crawley, they are adapting to client preferences, and they have the deep pockets to deliver.
Value-Ability (podcast) Investment Research Made Easy
Hear the research behind the underrepresentation of women in investment management starting at minute 29. Thanks to Elisabetta Basilico (@ebasilico) for sharing.
#BlackBreastfeedingWeek on Instagram
It’s #BlackBreastfeedingWeek. It’s important and twitter doesn’t provide enough characters to share why. Angela Moore of @ModernMoney305 and I will be going #live on @instagram this Saturday at 12:30pm EST. I hope you join us as we discuss why. 🤱🏽 pic.twitter.com/aTfunlPlrr
— Rianka R. Dorsainvil, CFP® (@Rianka_D) August 27, 2020