

A couple of weeks ago, I finally took a much-needed vacation, which was my first “real” one since joining Ritholtz Wealth five years ago. When I say “real”, I mean that I completely disconnected from work and refrained from checking my email or internal messages. It was a refreshing mental break for me. Nowadays, I…

On Mother’s Day

My mom grew up in a small town in north Alabama. She is the oldest of three sisters, a group that remains thick as thieves to this day. There is no place on Earth that news travels faster than between my mom, her sisters, and my grandmother. I don’t even bother to fill in any…

So I Took a Covid Test

I woke up on Sunday with a cold. My baby also had a runny nose. Neither of us had a fever, so I wasn’t concerned. As the weekend ended, and I looked at my calendar, I noticed a family dinner on Friday. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings I planned to practice yoga in the studio…

This Week in Women

Meet the woman who gave the world antiviral drugs Born in 1918 in Manhattan, Elion overcame early financial hardship and outright sexism to win the 1988 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, becoming only the fifth woman to do so. She shared the award with her longtime collaborator George Hitchings, who hired her in 1944…

The Importance of Being Challenged

In January, I received an email from Maura Cunningham, founder of Rock the Street, Wall Street, a nonprofit providing financial literacy to high school girls with the goal of sparking their interest in financial careers. She read my op-ed in the New York Times on the lack of gender diversity among financial advisors and wanted…

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. What could be better than a holiday that combines family, food, and wine? I love trying over the top recipes from scratch, helping set the table, and even cleaning up after the meal. When I’m in New Orleans for Thanksgiving, as I am this year, we go to the opening…

Mega Billions

There was no winner in last night’s $1 billion dollar Mega Millions drawing, so the projected jackpot for Tuesday at $1.6 billion. That’s Billion with a B. What’s even more shocking is that the mega ball last night was lucky number 7. Tuesday’s jackpot is a new record, surpassing the $1.586 billion dollar prize in…

Truth Seeker

Earlier this week I introduced myself as “one of the misfits”. I didn’t plan to place this label on myself, but I think it might stick. If you are not familiar with the origin, it stems from Apple’s “Think Different” advertising campaign in the late 1990’s. Here is the first half of the script from…

Remembering the Financial Crisis

There are very few moments in life that you remember exactly where you were when it happened. For my parents, this was the assassination of JFK and the moon landing. For me, it is September 11 and the Great Financial Crisis. As the headlines start to roll in on the 10th anniversary of the collapse…

The First Month

Today, The Belle Curve is officially one month old. Nine posts and 18,000 views later, I attest that blogging has surpassed my wildest aspirations. Readers have offered praise, critiques, and pointed out my grammatical mistakes. Thank you, by the way. I am sure I will continue to make mistakes and hopefully learn from them along…